• Creating X’mas card for Tohoku Santa Soul Train

    Creating X’mas card for Tohoku Santa Soul Train

       We gave a “creating a X’mas card” workshop to children at Oyakokai Amsterdam inspired by the project “Tohoku Santa Soul Train” to send Xmas cards to disaster survivors after the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan’s North East territory in 2011. Kyoko from Kyoko Kinder Kunst Klas created a script and we played first…



    upscaling GREAT IDEA from ButterflyWorks – Learning on Vimeo. I joined to created some illustrations and info graphics for a presentation video of GREAT IDEA. Concept, creative direction and images by Butterflyworks 携帯電話を使用したイノベイティブなラーニングシステム、GREAT IDEAのプレゼンテーションビデオのために、一部のイラストとインフォグラフィックスをつくりました。 コンセプト、クリエイティブディレクション、写真:Butterflyworks