ams.dessta @Chassé
Flyer and poster designfor ams.dessta @ChasséCollective art exhibition artworks by Roberta Cammarano (vol.6), Kim Buisman (vol.7)
La Pause Musicale 6
Flyer and brochure design / Ink paintingfor La Pause Musicale vol.6,a music concert in Tokyo and ChibaClient: Tomoko Katsura (France/Japan)
Activism, Artivism and Beyond
Book design of Activism, Artivism and Beyond Published by Partos Author Yannicke Goris (The Broker) Co-author Saskia Hollander (The Broker) Project-team Frans Bieckmann (The Broker) Patricia Deniz (CIVICUS-AGNA) Yannicke Goris (The Broker) Anne-Marie Heemskerk (Partos/The Spindle) Saskia Hollander (The Broker) Bart Romijn (Partos) Remmelt de Weerd (The Broker) Language editor Susan Sellars Cover…
Violin Cello Duo Recital 2016
Tomoko Katsura x Guillaume Grosbard Violin Cello Duo Recital 2016 Art direction / graphic design / Illustration Flyer, Program, Ticket
Notebook with Edo period themed pattern
Note book design for a Japanese company, P and I Ltd. I had the opportunity to design “Edo period” based stationery set. I created two modern motifs inspired from “EDO KIRIKO” (Japanese cut glass). The paper we used for the cover is of high quality embossed paper. These notebooks are available…
Invisible White
Exhibition Poster and post card design for Okamura Design Space R The exhibition “Invisible White” is a collaboration between Japanese architect Makoto Yokomizo and olfactory artist Maki Ueda. The architect Makoto Yokomizo designed a semi-dark space that makes you feel like “endless space that is vast and misty”, and Maki Ueda made the scent diffusion system for it. As…
The Broker
Rebranding projects for The Broker. Style guide, Brochure design, Info graphics, Business card, Stationery design. Web design and Logo restyling
Animal Hiragana Poster by Hanato Morito
Art direction and design of poster, logo and cards/Website setting for self initiated project Illustration: Fumi Morimoto www.hanato-morito.com Collaborating with Fumi Morimoto, I launched Hanato Morito to create the products for inspiring parents and kids. Please check our first product “Animal Hiragana Poster” here. Our poster is featured in “MJ Illustrations Book” published by Pie Books. イラストレーターの森本ふみさんと一緒に、どうぶつひらがなポスターをつくりました。 自分の息子がひらがなに興味を覚え始めた時に、産まれて初めてふれる文字を学ぶという体験を特別なことにできないかと考えたからです。 結果、インスパイアされるような美しいどうぶつのイラストと、正しく読みやすい書体を使用したポスターになりました。私の子どもだけではなく、また日本の住んでいる子どもたちだけでなく、海外で育っている日本の子どもたちにも好評です。 現在は日本でのみHANATO…