Workshop organizing with Kyoko KinderKunstKlas
In this project I used my skills in holding a creative workshop for children. I organized an event with KyokoKinderKunstklas in Amsterdam. The theme is Tanabata (Japanese Star Festival). One of the workshops was painting the Milkyway using vesitable materials and Handmade eco inks by Chika Ito.This time we used the inks made from Red Cabagge (Blue), Blueberry (Purple), Red Beet (Red), Turmeric and Yellow Ochre natural pigment (Ochre Yellow), Food Coloring (Blue), Red Cabbage + Yellow Ochre pigment (Green), Gold and Silver synthetic pigment (Gold and Silver).
According to the legend, the Milky ways separates lovers and they are allowed to meet only once a year on Tanabata. Everybody in Japan knows this story and enjoys this event but the Japanese / Japanese Dutch children who are born and growing up in a foreign country have of course less chance to know and enjoy this event. That’s why we wanted to give this chance especially for those children to get to know the traditional Japanese culture in a creative and sustainable way.
KyokoKinderKunstKlasのKyokoさんと一緒に七夕会を開催しました。私は天の河のペインティングを担当しました。インクはChika Itoによる手づくりのエコインクを使用しました。
We have posted some photos from our crown making and milky way painting. For more photos during the event Tanabata-kai, please check here.
Last but not least, we would like to thank Kyoko for giving us such a wonderful time!
If you are interested in Kyoko’s Kids Art Class, take a look at her website.
Photography © Fumiko, Henry, Naomi, Emi and Soonhwa