Flatto81 is a social design project with an aim to create sustainable greeting cards focusing on the material, design process and environment. The project is a collaboration between artist Chika Ito, graphic designer Soonhwa Kang and designer Emi Tsutsushio. In 2012, we created the 3 kinds of greeting cards for an exquisite paper…
Tanabatakai 2014
Co-organizing of Tanabatakai (Star Festival) 2014 with Kyoko Kinder Kunst Klas. This year as a member of Flatto81, I hosted Origami mobile Workshop and Big Milky Way making Workshop using recycled materials. For Origami mobile, we made original origami by using beet juice and printmaking technique. Cutting lines were printed already on our Origami, so it…
Animal Hiragana Poster by Hanato Morito
Art direction and design of poster, logo and cards/Website setting for self initiated project Illustration: Fumi Morimoto www.hanato-morito.com Collaborating with Fumi Morimoto, I launched Hanato Morito to create the products for inspiring parents and kids. Please check our first product “Animal Hiragana Poster” here. Our poster is featured in “MJ Illustrations Book” published by Pie Books. イラストレーターの森本ふみさんと一緒に、どうぶつひらがなポスターをつくりました。 自分の息子がひらがなに興味を覚え始めた時に、産まれて初めてふれる文字を学ぶという体験を特別なことにできないかと考えたからです。 結果、インスパイアされるような美しいどうぶつのイラストと、正しく読みやすい書体を使用したポスターになりました。私の子どもだけではなく、また日本の住んでいる子どもたちだけでなく、海外で育っている日本の子どもたちにも好評です。 現在は日本でのみHANATO…
Tanabatakai 2013
Workshop organizing with Kyoko KinderKunstKlas In this project I used my skills in holding a creative workshop for children. I organized an event with KyokoKinderKunstklas in Amsterdam. The theme is Tanabata (Japanese Star Festival). One of the workshops was painting the Milkyway using vesitable materials and Handmade eco inks by Chika Ito.This time we used the inks made from Red…
Flatto81 Greeting card collection 2011
Self initiated project Flatto81 is a social design project of two designers and one artist. We have started with creating handmade greeting cards using the vegetable eco inks which are non-toxic and chemical free. We focus here on the material and the design process. The design is a reflection of our everyday life inspired…